
Love Lessons; God — 6 Comments

  1. I love the photo of you and Cindy and your description of your sister. I also like hearing your thoughts about God and love…..I’m not sure what I believe but I feel very connected with you and your words.
    I feel that youre a very kind and loving person and you deserve happiness and abundance.
    I hope you will carry on with your blog
    from Julia with love.

  2. Your words that you shared today told of your relationship with Cindy and with living in such a beautiful honest and real way. I found it very moving and a reminder about what life is truly about. Loving and living. So simple if only we can surrender to that. Thank you Melody.

  3. Thank you Melody. Your words hit the mark…I, too, have been feeling sad and lost since my mother died last year. She was 93 but there would never be enough years with her. She became more precious with each passing year. I, like you, have come to believe (after many soul searching years!) that “God is Love”. A plaque with that saying hang in my parents home for as long as I can remember and yet I was told to accept a much more complicated explanation. I now embrace the Mystery, and that’s

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