
Hello Again — 4 Comments

  1. Hello Melody:
    I knew of your sweet sister Cindy through Mary…This beautiful tribute to her and what she has passed on to your family is endearing and insightful..I too struggle with letting go of the ego,which is not our friend in most cases…I’m currently reading a great book by Ram Dass called Walking Each Other Home..his thoughts (and those of Mirabai Bush) on our human experience of living as well as thoughts on our inevitable death are so interesting as he lived his last 20 years paralysed by a major stroke, leading him to let go of much of his independence but he never let go of himself as a human being…his life was centered in love for himself and all others..we can all learn from those among us who are compromised in any good hearing from you again…May you be happy and at peace with yourself…

    • Hi Carol. Thank you for your beautiful words and the information about the book. I have never read any of Ram Sass’s work before and I will definitely get it. Thank you so much for connecting. May you be happy and at peace also:)

  2. Thank you for your beautiful words. You are moving through this time of your life so powerfully, and with such deep insights. A time of true personal growth and a deep journey taking you into new territory. You inspire me to continue on my own journey, with renewed commitment and insights.

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